***NOTE: Our mailing address has changed****
Registered Charity Number: 85232 7204 RR0001
Registered Charity Number: 85232 7204 RR0001
***NOTE: Our mailing address has changed****
Registered Charity Number: 85232 7204 RR0001
To improve community by increasing access to education for as many needy and disadvantaged children as possible, one child at a time.
PUREAIDE's directors believe that education and development skills are key to enable and empower young people and reduce the cycle of poverty and crime in communities.
Our objective is to provide educational grants scholarships and medical support for orphans, children of low income and unemployed families in Canada, Ghana and Jamaica.
PUREAIDE directors and volunteers are continually working hard to improve the lives of individuals and communities.
If you're interested to see the difference PURAIDE has made, check out our project
The founders of The PUREAIDE Project Inc,Kenroy and Marie Angela Allen first visited Ghana in 2007. The Allen's were impacted by the number of children who were on the streets especially during the school day, peddling, asking for money or books.
With each trip to Ghana, friends of the founders would consistently provide additional school supplies, clothing and monetary donations for the communities in Kumasi and Kyekyewere. Out of the inspiration of their supporters in Canada, the founders decided to create a formal support system by means of a charitable organization.
Some who supported and continue to support the communities in Ghana during the initial visits, are now also founding members of the Board of Directors for The PUREAIDE Project. The founding directors in alphabetic order are: Kenroy Allen, Elizabeth Archampong, Patrick Bastien, Colin Campbell, Dr. Richard Dubler, Dr. Edith Lorimer, Beverley Smith and Bernard Wilson. Directors are accountable and regularly involved with overseeing projects on location.
The founders and directors of The PUREAIDE Project, all believe that God in His wisdom, has made provision for the care of those who are unable to take care of themselves. The name PUREAIDE is an acronym developed from James 1:27 which states “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
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