***NOTE: Our mailing address has changed****
Registered Charity Number: 85232 7204 RR0001
Registered Charity Number: 85232 7204 RR0001
***NOTE: Our mailing address has changed****
Registered Charity Number: 85232 7204 RR0001
Medical Grants are provided for youth at risk of illness from communicable diseases. These grants cover the cost of Health Insurance and is paid directly to the medical institutions (special situations as required).
Educational Grants are partial tuition payments paid directly to educational institutions to contribute towards the costs of school fees, books, school supplies and medical insurance for young people who meet the requirements.
You can set up a special scholarship fund or one time Grant for a tax deductible deduction of $250.00 CAD or more. The funds would be directed to the academic institution for qualifying students that meet the established criteria of the PUREAIDE project.
The qualifying child/youth must reside in any any of the three qualifying countries.
Educational Scholarships provide top up for tuition paid directly to educational institutions and may cover the full cost of tuition and boarding to enable qualified youth to attend senior secondary, high school, technical schools and university.
You can help to alleviate poverty in a community by sponsoring a young person .
Would you like to memoralize and honour your loved one who valued education?
Businesses partner with PUREAIDE to sponsor young people.
Copyright © 2013 The PUREAIDE Project Inc. - All Rights Reserved.